Home Programmers Sale 2023 with Extortion

Programmers Sale 2023 with Extortion

This post is also available as a thread on Twitter, Bluesky and Mastodon.

🧵 A week ago, I started to participate to @luden_io’s Programmer’s sale with my game Extortion
And I wasn’t ready for these amazingly good results at all!

3y post-launch but
x10 launch day wishlists, x4 copies sold, in a single day

Here are the details:

Little background, Extortion is my first Steam game I launched 3 years ago with almost no marketing to “understand how Steam works”, it was a gamejam short story (15 minutes) which evolved into a full ~2h game.

During those 3 years, it did a nice 400 copies sold, 1700 (-500 deleted/converted) wishlists and I was really happy.
It’s a game I still update once a while because I like to work on it, and it bring good memories of my first Steam launch.

On Monday, I updated the game with hope for some additional visibility: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1299430/view/3709334211523972052 and on the next day, the event would start (5PM UTC)

First days were already mindblowing with up to 78 daily wishlists and 17 daily copies sold, higher than any event since launch

But I wasn’t ready for Saturday’s event daily deal which brought 728 wishlists and 213 copies sold during the week-end, as much as half my game lifetime results. And actually, better results than launch week itself, 3 years ago.


  • Wishlists: 1110 → 2040 (+1069, -46, 82 conv.)
  • Copies sold: 389 → 707
  • Refund rate: 8.24% → 6.48%
  • Followers: 140 → 192
  • Discord members: 93 → 96 (+4/-1)
  • Page impressions: 0.9M → 1.3M
  • Page visits: 195k → 207k
  • Reviews: 9 => 12 (100% positive)
  • Happiness: over 9000 😁

I want to thank @luden_io for their event. They definitely gave me a lot of visibility, and a week full of emotions.

And as a side effect, both my other games also had more visibility !
Here we are for my thread :) 🧵

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